You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

235 lines
8.7 KiB

  1. <?php
  2. // Copyright: Richard Karnesky <>
  3. // This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
  4. // Please see the GNU General Public License for more details.
  5. // File: ./includes/
  6. // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. // Inserts the closing HTML </body> and </html> tags:
  8. function displayHTMLfoot()
  9. {
  10. ?>
  11. </body>
  12. </html>
  13. <?php
  14. }
  15. // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. // Displays the visible footer:
  17. function showPageFooter($HeaderString)
  18. {
  19. global $officialDatabaseName; // usage example: <a href="index.php">[? echo encodeHTML($officialDatabaseName); ?]</a>
  20. global $hostInstitutionAbbrevName; // usage example: <a href="[? echo $hostInstitutionURL; ?]">[? echo encodeHTML($hostInstitutionAbbrevName); ?] Home</a>
  21. global $hostInstitutionName; // (note: in the examples above, square brackets must be replaced by their respective angle brackets)
  22. global $hostInstitutionURL;
  23. global $helpResourcesURL;
  24. global $loginWelcomeMsg; // these variables are globally defined in function 'showLogin()' in ''
  25. global $loginStatus;
  26. global $loginLinks;
  27. global $loc; // '$loc' is made globally available in 'core.php'
  28. ?>
  29. </div></div></div>
  30. <div id="column-one">
  31. <div id="p-cactions" class="portlet">
  32. <h5>Views</h5>
  33. <ul>
  34. <li id="ca-talk"
  35. class="selected" ><a href="index.php">References</a></li><li id="search"><a href="simple_search.php" title="search the main fields of the database">Simple Search</a></li>
  36. <li><a href="advanced_search.php" title="search all fields of the database">Advanced Search</a></li>
  37. <?php
  38. // -------------------------------------------------------
  39. if (isset($_SESSION['user_permissions']) AND preg_match("/allow_add/", $_SESSION['user_permissions'])) // if the 'user_permissions' session variable contains 'allow_add'...
  40. {
  41. // ... include a link to 'record.php?recordAction=add...':
  42. ?>
  43. <LI id="ca-watch"><a href="record.php?recordAction=add" title="add a record to the database">Add Record</a>
  44. <?php
  45. }
  46. else {?>
  47. <LI id="ca-watch"><a href="/refbase-svn/record.php?recordAction=add" title="add a suggested record to the database">Add Record (suggest)</a>
  48. <?php }
  49. // -------------------------------------------------------
  50. if (isset($_SESSION['user_permissions']) AND preg_match("/allow_import|allow_batch_import/", $_SESSION['user_permissions'])) // if the 'user_permissions' session variable contains either 'allow_import' or 'allow_batch_import'...
  51. {
  52. // ... include a link to 'import.php':
  53. ?>
  54. <LI><a href="import.php" title="import records">Import</a>
  55. <?php
  56. } else {
  57. ?>
  58. <LI><a href="/refbase-svn/import.php" title="import suggested records">Import (suggest)</a>
  59. <?php
  60. }?>
  61. </ul>
  62. </div>
  63. <div class="portlet" id="p-personal">
  64. <h5>Personal tools</h5>
  65. <div class="pBody">
  66. <ul>
  67. <li id="pt-userpage"><? echo preg_replace('/You\'re logged in as<br>/','',$loginStatus); ?></li><li id="pt-mytalk">
  68. <? echo $loginLinks; ?></li>
  69. </ul>
  70. </div>
  71. </div>
  72. <div class="portlet" id="p-logo">
  73. <a style="background-image:
  74. url(../skins/common/images/wiki.png);"
  75. href="../index.php/Seidman_Group"
  76. title="Seidman Group"></a>
  77. </div>
  78. <div class='portlet' id='p-Seidman_Group'>
  79. <h5>Seidman Group</h5>
  80. <div class='pBody'>
  81. <ul>
  82. <li id="n-Seidman-Group"><a href="/Seidman_Group">Seidman Group</a></li>
  83. <li id="n-Research"><a href="/Category:Research">Research</a></li>
  84. <li id="n-People"><a href="/Category:People">People</a></li>
  85. </ul>
  86. </div>
  87. </div>
  88. <div class='portlet' id='p-NUCAPT'>
  89. <h5>NUCAPT</h5>
  90. <div class='pBody'>
  91. <ul>
  92. <li id="n-Instruments"><a href="/Category:Tools">Instruments</a></li>
  93. <li id="n-Calendar"><a href="">Calendar</a></li>
  94. <li id="n-Visit"><a href="/Visit">Visit</a></li>
  95. </ul>
  96. </div>
  97. </div>
  98. <div class='portlet' id='p-Atom-Probe_Tomography'>
  99. <h5>Atom-Probe Tomography</h5>
  100. <div class='pBody'>
  101. <ul>
  102. <li id="n-References"><a href="">References</a></li>
  103. <li id="n-AtomProbe-mailing-list"><a href="">AtomProbe mailing list</a></li>
  104. </ul>
  105. </div>
  106. </div>
  107. <div class="portlet" id="p-tb">
  108. <h5>Search</h5>
  109. <div class="pBody">
  110. <?php echo buildQuickSearchElements($query, $queryURL, $showQuery, $showLinks, $showRows, $citeStyle, $citeOrder, $displayType); ?>
  111. <ul>
  112. <li><a href="simple_search.php" title="search the main fields of the database">Simple Search</a>
  113. <li><a href="advanced_search.php" title="search all fields of the database">Advanced Search</a>
  114. <?php
  115. // -------------------------------------------------------
  116. if (isset($_SESSION['user_permissions']) AND preg_match("/allow_sql_search/", $_SESSION['user_permissions'])) // if the 'user_permissions' session variable contains 'allow_sql_search'...
  117. {
  118. // ... include a link to 'sql_search.php':
  119. ?>
  120. <li><a href="sql_search.php" title="search the database by use of a SQL query">SQL Search</a>
  121. <?php
  122. }
  123. // -------------------------------------------------------
  124. ?>
  125. <li><a href="library_search.php" title="search the library of the <? echo encodeHTML($hostInstitutionAbbrevName); ?>">Library Search</a>
  126. </ul>
  127. </div></div>
  128. <div class="portlet" id="p-tc">
  129. <h5>Toolbox</h5>
  130. <div class="pBody">
  131. <ul>
  132. <?php
  133. // -------------------------------------------------------
  134. if (isset($_SESSION['user_permissions']) AND preg_match("/allow_add/", $_SESSION['user_permissions'])) // if the 'user_permissions' session variable contains 'allow_add'...
  135. {
  136. // ... include a link to 'record.php?recordAction=add...':
  137. ?>
  138. <LI><a href="record.php?recordAction=add" title="add a record to the database">Add Record</a>
  139. <?php
  140. }
  141. // -------------------------------------------------------
  142. if (isset($_SESSION['user_permissions']) AND preg_match("/allow_import|allow_batch_import/", $_SESSION['user_permissions'])) // if the 'user_permissions' session variable contains either 'allow_import' or 'allow_batch_import'...
  143. {
  144. // ... include a link to 'import.php':
  145. ?>
  146. <LI><a href="import.php" title="import records">Import</a>
  147. <?php
  148. }
  149. // -------------------------------------------------------
  150. if (isset($_SESSION['user_permissions']) AND preg_match("/allow_details_view/", $_SESSION['user_permissions'])) // if the 'user_permissions' session variable contains 'allow_details_view'...
  151. {
  152. // ... include a link to 'show.php':
  153. ?>
  154. <LI><a href="show.php" title="display details for a particular record by entering its database serial number">Show Record</a>
  155. <?php
  156. }
  157. if (isset($_SESSION['user_permissions']) AND preg_match("/allow_cite/", $_SESSION['user_permissions'])) // if the 'user_permissions' session variable contains 'allow_cite'...
  158. {
  159. // ... include a link to 'extract.php':
  160. ?>
  161. <LI><a href="extract.php" title="extract citations from a text and build an appropriate reference list">Extract Citations</a><?php
  162. }
  163. // -------------------------------------------------------
  164. ?>
  165. </ul>
  166. </div></div></div>
  167. <div class="visualClear"></div>
  168. <div id="footer">
  169. <div id="f-poweredbyico"><a href=""><img src="img/refbase_credit.gif" alt="refbase"></a></div><ul id="f-list">
  170. <li><? echo date('j M Y'); ?></li>
  171. <li id="f-about"><a
  172. href="/index.php/Seidman_Group" title="Seidman Group">NUCAPT: Northwestern University Center for Atom-Probe Tomography</a></li> </ul>
  173. </div>
  174. </div>
  175. <?php
  176. }
  177. ?>