- <?php
- /**
- * Enum for citation types
- */
- abstract class RefbaseCitationType {
- // Minimal reference type (author, title, publication, year)
- const CT_MINIMAL = 0;
- // Request citation from refbase installation (using show.php interface)
- const CT_RB = 1;
- /**
- * Convert string to RefbaseCitationType
- */
- static public function decodeCitationType ( $str, & $citeStyle ) {
- if ( strtolower( $str ) == 'minimal' ) {
- return self::CT_MINIMAL;
- } elseif ( preg_match( '/rb-(.*)/', strtolower( $str ),
- $citeStyle ) ) {
- return self::CT_RB;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Helper class to generate citation text
- */
- class RefbaseCitationCreator {
- /// Citation type
- private $citationType;
- /// Citation style (only with $citationType = CT_RB)
- private $citationStyle = "";
- /// Location of refbase installation (may differ from $dbHost if using https
- /// for instance)
- protected $refbaseURL = "";
- /**
- * Constructor
- */
- public function __construct( $citationTypeStr ) {
- global $wgRefbaseURL;
- $this->refbaseURL = $wgRefbaseURL;
- $this->citationType =
- RefbaseCitationType::decodeCitationType( $citationTypeStr,
- $citeStyle );
- if ( !empty( $citeStyle ) ) {
- $this->citationStyle = $citeStyle[1];
- }
- wfDebug('refbase-decode-in:' . $citationTypeStr . "\n");
- wfDebug('refbase-decode:' . $this->citationType . ", " . var_export($this->citationStyle,true)."\n");
- }
- /**
- * Create citation text
- */
- public function createCitation( $entry, & $cite ) {
- switch( $this->citationType ) {
- case RefbaseCitationType::CT_MINIMAL:
- $cite = $entry['author'] . ", " . $entry['title'] . ", " .
- $entry['publication'] . ", " . $entry['year'] . ".";
- break;
- case RefbaseCitationType::CT_RB:
- $url = $this->refbaseURL . "show.php?" .
- "record=" . "27711"//$entry['serial'] .
- "&submit=Cite&exportType=text&citeType=ASCII";
- if ( !empty( $this->citationStyle ) ) {
- $url .= "&citeStyle=" . $this->citationStyle;
- }
- wfDebug('refbase-getcite:' . $url . "\n");
- // Get citation from url (add http authentication if desired)
- global $wgRefbaseURLAuth;
- if ( !empty( $wgRefbaseURLAuth ) ) {
- if ( strcmp( strtolower( $wgRefbaseURLAuth ),
- 'default' ) == 0 ) {
- if ( isset( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ) &&
- isset( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] ) ) {
- $username = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
- $password = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
- $authStr = "Authorization: Basic " .
- base64_encode( "$username:$password" );
- } else {
- $authStr = '';
- }
- } else {
- preg_match( "/([^:]*):(.*)$/", $wgRefbaseURLAuth, $out);
- $username = $out[1];
- $password = $out[2];
- $authStr = "Authorization: Basic " .
- base64_encode( "$username:$password" );
- }
- $param = array( 'http' => array( 'header' => $authStr ) );
- $context = stream_context_create( $param );
- $cite = trim( file_get_contents( $url, false, $context ) );
- } else {
- $cite = trim( file_get_contents( $url ) );
- }
- break;
- default:
- $cite = wfMessage( 'refbase-error-citation-type' )->text();
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * Get list of required fields to produce the citation in the desired format
- */
- public function getFieldList() {
- switch( $this->citationType ) {
- case RefbaseCitationType::CT_MINIMAL:
- $fieldList = array( 'author',
- 'title',
- 'publication',
- 'year' );
- break;
- case RefbaseCitationType::CT_RB:
- $fieldList = array( 'serial' );
- break;
- default:
- $fieldList = array();
- }
- return $fieldList;
- }
- }