- <?php
- // Project: Web Reference Database (refbase) <http://www.refbase.net>
- // Copyright: Matthias Steffens <mailto:refbase@extracts.de> and the file's
- // original author(s).
- //
- // This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please see the GNU General Public
- // License for more details.
- //
- // File: ./unapi.php
- // Repository: $HeadURL: file:///svn/p/refbase/code/branches/bleeding-edge/unapi.php $
- // Author(s): Matthias Steffens <mailto:refbase@extracts.de>
- //
- // Created: 15-Jul-06, 11:59
- // Modified: $Date: 2012-02-27 20:25:30 +0000 (Mon, 27 Feb 2012) $
- // $Author: msteffens $
- // $Revision: 1337 $
- // This script serves as a (faceless) routing page which takes a query to the unAPI server
- // and converts the query into a native refbase query which is then passed to 'show.php'.
- // More info is given at <http://unapi.refbase.net/>.
- // Examples for recognized unAPI queries:
- // (URL encoding left out for better readibility, and your server URL will be different,
- // of course)
- //
- // - ask the unAPI server to list all of its supported formats:
- // unapi.php
- //
- // - ask the unAPI server to list all supported formats for a record with serial number 1:
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1
- //
- // - return record with serial number 1 in various export formats:
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=bibtex
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=endnote
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=ris
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=atom
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=mods
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=oai_dc
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=srw_dc
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=srw_mods
- //
- // - return record with serial number 1 in various citation formats:
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=rtf
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=pdf
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=latex
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=markdown
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1&format=text
- //
- // - the unAPI server does also accept multiple record IDs, the given example will return
- // records with serial numbers 1, 12, 459 and 600 as citations in RTF format:
- // unapi.php?id=http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?records=1,12,459,600&format=rtf
- // For more on unAPI, see:
- // <http://unapi.info/specs/>
- // TODO: - return appropriate HTML status codes
- // - improve error handling
- // Incorporate some include files:
- include 'initialize/db.inc.php'; // 'db.inc.php' is included to hide username and password
- include 'includes/include.inc.php'; // include common functions
- include 'initialize/ini.inc.php'; // include common variables
- include 'includes/unapi.inc.php'; // include functions that deal with unAPI response XML
- include_once 'includes/webservice.inc.php'; // include functions that are commonly used with the refbase webservices
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // call the 'start_session()' function (from 'include.inc.php') which will also read out available session variables:
- start_session(true);
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Initialize preferred display language:
- // (note that 'locales.inc.php' has to be included *after* the call to the 'start_session()' function)
- include 'includes/locales.inc.php'; // include the locales
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Extract parameters passed to the script:
- if (isset($_REQUEST['id']) AND !empty($_REQUEST['id']))
- $unapiID = $_REQUEST['id']; // the value must be a permanent URL pointer to a single refbase record (e.g.: 'http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/show.php?record=1')
- else
- $unapiID = "";
- // get information how record data shall be returned:
- // - 'bibtex' => return as BibTeX data with mime type 'text/plain'
- // - 'endnote' => return as Endnote data with mime type 'text/plain'
- // - 'ris' => return as RIS data with mime type 'text/plain'
- // - 'atom' => return as Atom XML data with mime type 'application/atom+xml'
- // - 'mods' => return as MODS XML data with mime type 'application/xml'
- // - 'oai_dc' => return as OAI_DC XML data with mime type 'application/xml'
- // - 'srw_dc' => return as SRW_DC XML data with mime type 'application/xml'
- // - 'srw_mods' => return as SRW_MODS XML data with mime type 'application/xml'
- // - 'html' => return as HTML with mime type 'text/html'
- // - 'rtf' => return as RTF data with mime type 'application/rtf'
- // - 'pdf' => return as PDF data with mime type 'application/pdf'
- // - 'latex' => return as LaTeX data with mime type 'application/x-latex'
- // - 'markdown' => return as Markdown TEXT data with mime type 'text/plain'
- // - 'text' or 'ascii' => return as ASCII TEXT data with mime type 'text/plain'
- // TODO: add 'ADS', 'ISI', 'ODF XML' and 'Word XML'
- if (isset($_REQUEST['format']) AND preg_match("/^(BibTeX|Endnote|RIS|Atom( XML)?|MODS( XML)?|(OAI_)?DC( XML)?|SRW( XML|_MODS|_DC)?|html|RTF|PDF|LaTeX|Markdown|ASCII|TEXT)$/i", $_REQUEST['format']))
- $unapiFormat = $_REQUEST['format'];
- else
- $unapiFormat = "";
- // Set some required parameters based on the requested format:
- if (preg_match("/^(BibTeX|Endnote|RIS|Atom( XML)?|MODS( XML)?|(OAI_)?DC( XML)?|SRW( XML|_MODS|_DC)?)$/i", $unapiFormat))
- {
- $displayType = "Export";
- // Standardize XML export format names:
- // NOTE: the below regex patterns are potentially too lax and might cause misbehaviour in case any custom export formats have been added
- // TODO: add 'ODF XML' and 'Word XML' when they're supported by 'unapi.php'
- if (preg_match("/^Atom/i", $unapiFormat))
- $exportFormat = "Atom XML";
- elseif (preg_match("/^MODS/i", $unapiFormat))
- $exportFormat = "MODS XML";
- elseif (preg_match("/^(OAI_)?DC/i", $unapiFormat))
- $exportFormat = "OAI_DC XML";
- elseif (preg_match("/^SRW_DC/i", $unapiFormat))
- $exportFormat = "SRW_DC XML";
- elseif (preg_match("/^SRW/i", $unapiFormat))
- $exportFormat = "SRW_MODS XML";
- else
- $exportFormat = $unapiFormat;
- $citeType = "html";
- }
- elseif (preg_match("/^(html|RTF|PDF|LaTeX|Markdown|ASCII|TEXT)$/i", $unapiFormat))
- {
- $displayType = "Cite";
- $exportFormat = "";
- if (preg_match("/^TEXT/i", $unapiFormat))
- $citeType = "ASCII";
- else
- $citeType = $unapiFormat;
- }
- else // unrecognized format
- {
- $displayType = ""; // if the 'submit' parameter is empty, this will produce the default view
- $exportFormat = ""; // if no export format was given, 'show.php' will use the default export format which is defined by the '$defaultExportFormat' variable in 'ini.inc.php'
- $citeType = "html";
- }
- // For the context of 'unapi.php' we set some parameters explicitly:
- $exportType = "file";
- $citeOrder = "author";
- $citeStyle = ""; // if no cite style was given, 'show.php' will use the default cite style which is defined by the '$defaultCiteStyle' variable in 'ini.inc.php'
- $exportContentType = "application/xml"; // this will be used for unAPI XML response output
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check if the correct parameters have been passed:
- if (empty($unapiID) OR (!empty($unapiID) AND !isset($_REQUEST['format'])))
- {
- // if 'unapi.php' was called without the 'format' parameter, we'll return an appropriate unAPI XML response:
- // Set the appropriate mimetype & set the character encoding to the one given
- // in '$contentTypeCharset' (which is defined in 'ini.inc.php'):
- setHeaderContentType($exportContentType, $contentTypeCharset); // function 'setHeaderContentType()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
- echo unapiExplainResponse($unapiID); // function 'unapiExplainResponse()' is defined in 'unapi.inc.php'
- }
- // Note: error handling should be improved:
- // - the script should return "404 Not Found" if the requested identifier is NOT available on the server: header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
- // (currently, an empty file is returned)
- // - the script should return "406 Not Acceptable" if the requested identifier is available on the server but is NOT available in the requested format
- // (currently, the requested record is displayed in HTML Details view if an unrecognized format was given)
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- else // the script was called with the parameters 'id' and 'format'
- {
- // Build the correct query URL:
- // (we skip unnecessary parameters here since 'show.php' will use it's default values for them)
- $queryURL = "&submit=" . $displayType . "&exportFormat=" . rawurlencode($exportFormat) . "&exportType=" . $exportType . "&citeOrder=" . $citeOrder . "&citeStyle=" . rawurlencode($citeStyle) . "&citeType=" . $citeType;
- // call 'show.php' with the correct query URL in order to output record details in the requested format:
- header("Location: $unapiID$queryURL");
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ?>