citationCreator = new RefbaseCitationCreator( $citationType ); } /** * List fields required to build template */ public function getFieldList() { $citeList = $this->citationCreator->getFieldList(); return array_unique( array_merge( array( 'serial' ), $citeList ) ); } /** * Render output: add wiki link to refbase page, include citation in tooltip */ public function render( $entry, & $cite, $options ) { $citekey = $options['citekey']; $cite = ""; // Simply link to refbase, and add tooltip // (form string [URL KEY ] ) // Display the key (cite_key or serial number as wiki text) $wikiText = $citekey; // Add full citation as a tooltip $toolTip = ""; $this->citationCreator->createCitation( $entry, $toolTip ); // Link to refbase page for current entry $link = $this->refbaseURL . "show.php?record=" . $entry['serial']; // Build full string $cite .= "[" . $link . " "; $cite .= Html::openElement( 'span', array( 'title' => "\"" . $toolTip . "\"" ) ); $cite .= $wikiText . Html::closeElement( 'span' ) . "]"; return true; } }