* Refbase database connector
class RefbaseConnector {
/// Database location
private $dbHost = "";
/// Database name
private $dbName = "";
/// Database user
private $dbUser = "";
/// Database password
private $dbPass = "";
/// Character set
private $dbCharset = "";
/// Reference table
private $dbRefTable = "";
/// User data table (for cite key entry)
private $dbUserDataTable = "";
/// Method to access database (mysql or PDO)
private $dbAccessMethod = "";
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
global $wgRefbaseDbHost;
global $wgRefbaseDbName;
global $wgRefbaseDbUser;
global $wgRefbaseDbPass;
global $wgRefbaseDbRefTable;
global $wgRefbaseDbUserDataTable;
global $wgRefbaseDbCharset;
global $wgRefbaseDbAccessMethod;
// Read from global configuration
$this->dbHost = $wgRefbaseDbHost;
$this->dbName = $wgRefbaseDbName;
$this->dbUser = $wgRefbaseDbUser;
$this->dbPass = $wgRefbaseDbPass;
$this->dbRefTable = $wgRefbaseDbRefTable;
$this->dbUserDataTable = $wgRefbaseDbUserDataTable;
$this->dbCharset = $wgRefbaseDbCharset;
$this->dbAccessMethod = $wgRefbaseDbAccessMethod;
* Query by serial number or cite key entry
public function getEntry( $input, $tagTypeList, & $outputEntry,
$fieldList ) {
// List of fields to extract (prefix 'r.' to each element)
$fieldPref = $fieldList;
array_walk( $fieldPref, function ( &$value, $key) {
} );
$fieldPref = join(",", $fieldPref);
$flagFound = false;
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($tagTypeList) && ! $flagFound; $i++ ) {
$tagType = $tagTypeList[$i];
// Query string
$queryStr = "";
if ( $tagType === 'citekey' ) {
$queryStr = "SELECT $fieldPref " .
"FROM " . $this->dbRefTable . " r " .
"INNER JOIN " . $this->dbUserDataTable . " u " .
"ON r.serial = u.record_id " .
"WHERE u.cite_key='$input'";
} else {
$queryStr = "SELECT $fieldPref " .
"FROM " . $this->dbRefTable . " r " .
"WHERE r.serial='$input'";
if ( strtolower( $this->dbAccessMethod ) === 'pdo' ) {
// Connect and query
$link = new PDO( 'mysql:host=' . $this->dbHost . ';dbname=' .
$this->dbName . ';charset=' . $this->dbCharset,
$this->dbUser, $this->dbPass );
$dbexec = $link->prepare( $queryStr );
try {
// Perform query
$outputEntry = $dbexec->execute();
} catch( PDOException $ex ) {
$outputEntry = wfMessage( 'refbase-error-dbquery' )->text() .
return false;
$outputEntry = $dbexec->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} elseif ( strtolower( $this->dbAccessMethod ) === 'mysql' ) {
$link = mysqli_connect( $this->dbHost, $this->dbUser, $this->dbPass, $this->dbName ) or die("db error");
if ( !$link ) {
$outputEntry = wfMessage( 'refbase-error-mysqlconn' )->text();
return false;
$result = mysqli_query($link, $queryStr );
if ( !$result ) {
$outputEntry = wfMessage( 'refbase-error-dbquery' )->text() .
return false;
$outputEntry = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
if ( !empty( $outputEntry ) ) {
$flagFound = true;
if ( empty( $outputEntry ) ) {
$outputEntry = wfMessage( 'refbase-error-notfound' )->text();
return false;
return true;