You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Refbase helper functions (cleanup strings, author extraction)
class RefbaseTools {
/// Character translation table
private static $transtab_refbase_html = array(
"/__(?!_)(.+?)__/" => "<u>\\1</u>", // the pattern for underline (__...__) must come before the one for italic (_..._)
"/_(.+?)_/" => "<i>\\1</i>",
"/\\*\\*(.+?)\\*\\*/" => "<b>\\1</b>",
"/\\[super:(.+?)\\]/i" => "<sup>\\1</sup>",
"/\\[sub:(.+?)\\]/i" => "<sub>\\1</sub>",
"/\\[permil\\]/" => "&permil;",
"/\\[infinity\\]/" => "&infin;",
"/\\[alpha\\]/" => "&alpha;",
"/\\[beta\\]/" => "&beta;",
"/\\[gamma\\]/" => "&gamma;",
"/\\[delta\\]/" => "&delta;",
"/\\[epsilon\\]/" => "&epsilon;",
"/\\[zeta\\]/" => "&zeta;",
"/\\[eta\\]/" => "&eta;",
"/\\[theta\\]/" => "&theta;",
"/\\[iota\\]/" => "&iota;",
"/\\[kappa\\]/" => "&kappa;",
"/\\[lambda\\]/" => "&lambda;",
"/\\[mu\\]/" => "&mu;",
"/\\[nu\\]/" => "&nu;",
"/\\[xi\\]/" => "&xi;",
"/\\[omicron\\]/" => "&omicron;",
"/\\[pi\\]/" => "&pi;",
"/\\[rho\\]/" => "&rho;",
"/\\[sigmaf\\]/" => "&sigmaf;",
"/\\[sigma\\]/" => "&sigma;",
"/\\[tau\\]/" => "&tau;",
"/\\[upsilon\\]/" => "&upsilon;",
"/\\[phi\\]/" => "&phi;",
"/\\[chi\\]/" => "&chi;",
"/\\[psi\\]/" => "&psi;",
"/\\[omega\\]/" => "&omega;",
"/\\[Alpha\\]/" => "&Alpha;",
"/\\[Beta\\]/" => "&Beta;",
"/\\[Gamma\\]/" => "&Gamma;",
"/\\[Delta\\]/" => "&Delta;",
"/\\[Epsilon\\]/" => "&Epsilon;",
"/\\[Zeta\\]/" => "&Zeta;",
"/\\[Eta\\]/" => "&Eta;",
"/\\[Theta\\]/" => "&Theta;",
"/\\[Iota\\]/" => "&Iota;",
"/\\[Kappa\\]/" => "&Kappa;",
"/\\[Lambda\\]/" => "&Lambda;",
"/\\[Mu\\]/" => "&Mu;",
"/\\[Nu\\]/" => "&Nu;",
"/\\[Xi\\]/" => "&Xi;",
"/\\[Omicron\\]/" => "&Omicron;",
"/\\[Pi\\]/" => "&Pi;",
"/\\[Rho\\]/" => "&Rho;",
"/\\[Sigma\\]/" => "&Sigma;",
"/\\[Tau\\]/" => "&Tau;",
"/\\[Upsilon\\]/" => "&Upsilon;",
"/\\[Phi\\]/" => "&Phi;",
"/\\[Chi\\]/" => "&Chi;",
"/\\[Psi\\]/" => "&Psi;",
"/\\[Omega\\]/" => "&Omega;",
"/(?:\"|&quot;)(.+?)(?:\"|&quot;)/" => "&ldquo;\\1&rdquo;",
"/ +- +/" => " &#8211; "
// this function takes the contents of the author field and will extract the last name of a particular author (specified by position)
// (e.g., setting '$authorPosition' to "1" will return the 1st author's last name)
// Note: this function assumes that:
// 1. within one author object, there's only *one* delimiter separating author name & initials!
// 2. author objects are stored in the db as "<author_name><author_initials_delimiter><author_initials>", i.e., initials follow *after* the author's name!
// Required Parameters:
// 1. pattern describing delimiter that separates different authors
// 2. pattern describing delimiter that separates author name & initials (within one author)
// 3. position of the author whose last name shall be extracted (e.g., "1" will return the 1st author's last name)
// 4. contents of the author field
public static function extractAuthorsLastName( $oldBetweenAuthorsDelim, $oldAuthorsInitialsDelim, $authorPosition, $authorContents ) {
$authorsArray = preg_split( "/" . $oldBetweenAuthorsDelim . "/", $authorContents ); // get a list of all authors for this record
$authorPosition = $authorPosition - 1; // php array elements start with "0", so we decrease the authors position by 1
$singleAuthor = $authorsArray[$authorPosition]; // for the author in question, extract the full author name (last name & initials)
$singleAuthorArray = preg_split( "/" . $oldAuthorsInitialsDelim . "/", $singleAuthor ); // then, extract author name & initials to separate list items
$singleAuthorsLastName = $singleAuthorArray[0]; // extract this author's last name into a new variable
return $singleAuthorsLastName;
// this function takes the contents of the author field and will extract the given name of a particular author (specified by position)
// (e.g., setting '$authorPosition' to "1" will return the 1st author's given name)
// Required Parameters:
// 1. pattern describing delimiter that separates different authors
// 2. pattern describing delimiter that separates author name & initials (within one author)
// 3. position of the author whose last name shall be extracted (e.g., "1" will return the 1st author's last name)
// 4. contents of the author field
public static function extractAuthorsGivenName( $oldBetweenAuthorsDelim, $oldAuthorsInitialsDelim, $authorPosition, $authorContents ) {
$authorsArray = preg_split( "/" . $oldBetweenAuthorsDelim . "/", $authorContents ); // get a list of all authors for this record
$authorPosition = $authorPosition - 1; // php array elements start with "0", so we decrease the authors position by 1
$singleAuthor = $authorsArray[$authorPosition]; // for the author in question, extract the full author name (last name & initials)
$singleAuthorArray = preg_split( "/" . $oldAuthorsInitialsDelim . "/", $singleAuthor ); // then, extract author name & initials to separate list items
if ( !empty($singleAuthorArray[1]) ) {
$singleAuthorsGivenName = $singleAuthorArray[1]; // extract this author's last name into a new variable
} else {
$singleAuthorsGivenName = '';
return $singleAuthorsGivenName;
// Perform search & replace actions on the given text input:
// ('$includesSearchPatternDelimiters' must be a boolean value that specifies whether the leading and trailing slashes
// are included within the search pattern ['true'] or not ['false'])
public static function searchReplaceText( $sourceString, $includesSearchPatternDelimiters ) {
// apply the search & replace actions defined in '$transtab_refbase_html' to the text passed in '$sourceString':
foreach ( self::$transtab_refbase_html as $searchString => $replaceString ) {
if ( !$includesSearchPatternDelimiters ) {
$searchString = "/" . $searchString . "/"; // add search pattern delimiters
if ( preg_match($searchString, $sourceString ) ) {
$sourceString = preg_replace( $searchString, $replaceString, $sourceString );
return $sourceString;