- # sat project
- ## dependencies
- * pysat
- * [glucose](https://www.labri.fr/perso/lsimon/glucose/) - version 4.1 - put binary in ***util*** directory
- * bzip2
- ## gen_core_extensions.py
- Script to generate core extensions.
- | arg | arg long | default | description |
- |----|---------|-------|--|
- | -i | --instance_dir | ./instances | directory containing the instances |
- | -c | --cores_dir | ./cores_dir | directory containing the cores |
- | -e | --extensions_dir | ./extensions | target directory to store the generated core extensions (creates dir if nonexistent)|
- | -n | --nr_per_instance | 1 | number of extensions per instance |
- | -v | --verbosity | 1 | **1** to print progress, **0** for silent mode |
- Just call with:
- ```bash
- $ ./gen_core_extensions.py -n 5000
- ```
- ## main.py
- Does **NOT** have to be called from any specific directory!
- The `-i` (`--instance`) parameter has to be a core extension