- import pathlib as pl
- import json
- import os
- import multiprocessing
- import threading
- from . import batch
- class Plan:
- def __init__(self, experiment=None, lock=None):
- self.experiment = None
- self.file = None
- self.pending_instances = []
- self.assigned_instances = []
- self.__lock = threading.Lock() if lock == None else lock
- if experiment:
- self.create(experiment)
- def create(self, experiment):
- self.experiment = pl.Path(experiment).resolve()
- self.__set_file()
- if self.__is_finished():
- self.__create()
- else:
- self.__load()
- def __create(self):
- content = self.__create_content()
- self.pending_instances = content["pending"]
- self.iterations_left = content["iterations_left"]
- with self.__lock:
- self.__update_file()
- def __create_content(self, iterations_left = None):
- content = {}
- with open(self.experiment, "r") as expf:
- exp_obj = json.loads(expf.read())
- instances = batch.load(pl.Path(exp_obj["batch"]).resolve())
- if iterations_left == None:
- if "iterations" in exp_obj:
- iterations_left = exp_obj["iterations"] - 1
- else:
- iterations_left = 0
- content["pending"] = instances
- content["iterations_left"] = iterations_left
- return content
- def __set_file(self):
- if self.experiment == None:
- self.file = None
- else:
- exp_path = pl.Path(self.experiment)
- self.file = exp_path.parent / (exp_path.stem + ".plan")
- def __load(self):
- self.pending_instances = []
- self.assigned_instances = []
- if not self.file.is_file():
- return
- with open(self.file, "r") as pfile:
- content = json.loads(pfile.read())
- if "assigned" in content:
- self.assigned_instances = content["assigned"]
- if "pending" in content:
- self.pending_instances = content["pending"]
- if "iterations_left" in content:
- self.iterations_left = content["iterations_left"]
- def __is_finished(self):
- return False if self.file.is_file() else True
- def next(self):
- with self.__lock:
- self.__load()
- if len(self.pending_instances) == 0:
- if self.iterations_left > 0:
- self.__load_next_iteration()
- else:
- return None
- next_instance = self.pending_instances.pop()
- self.assigned_instances.append(next_instance)
- self.__update_file()
- return next_instance
- def done_with(self, instance):
- with self.__lock:
- self.__load()
- if instance in self.assigned_instances:
- self.assigned_instances.remove(instance)
- self.__update_file()
- def __update_file(self):
- content = {}
- all_done = True
- content["iterations_left"] = self.iterations_left
- if len(self.assigned_instances) > 0:
- content["assigned"] = self.assigned_instances
- all_done = False
- if len(self.pending_instances) > 0:
- content["pending"] = self.pending_instances
- all_done = False
- if all_done:
- if self.iterations_left > 0:
- self.__load_next_iteration()
- elif self.file.is_file():
- self.file.unlink()
- else:
- self.__write_content(content)
- def __load_next_iteration(self):
- content = self.__create_content(self.iterations_left - 1)
- self.pending_instances = content["pending"]
- self.iterations_left = content["iterations_left"]
- self.__write_content(content)
- def __write_content(self, content):
- if "assigned" in content:
- content["assigned"][:] = map(str, content["assigned"])
- if "pending" in content:
- content["pending"][:] = map(str, content["pending"])
- with open(self.file, "w") as pfile:
- pfile.write(json.dumps(content))
- def delete(self):
- with self.__lock:
- self.__load()
- self.pending_instances.extend(self.assigned_instances)
- self.assigned_instances = []
- self.__update_file()