@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ |
#!python3 |
from pysat.formula import CNF |
from pysat.solvers import Glucose4 |
import pathlib as pl |
import random |
import bz2 |
import sys |
CORE_DIR = pl.Path("./cores") |
EXTENDED_DIR = pl.Path("./extended") |
usage_str = "usage: gen_eq_instance.py [instance dir] [num per instance]" |
def main(): |
instances_dir = None |
try: |
instances_dir = pl.Path(sys.argv[1]) |
except: |
print(usage_str) |
return |
else: |
if not instances_dir.is_dir(): |
print(usage_str) |
return |
num_per_instance = 0 |
try: |
num_per_instance = int(sys.argv[2]) |
except: |
print(usage_str) |
return |
instances = get_instance_paths(instances_dir) |
for instance in instances: |
run(instance, num_per_instance) |
def get_instance_paths(instances_dir): |
instances = [] |
for p in instances_dir.iterdir(): |
if str(p).endswith(".cnf.bz2"): |
instances.append(p) |
return instances |
def run(instance, calls_per_instance): |
ipath = pl.Path(instance) |
iname = ipath.stem[:-4] |
f = CNF(str(ipath)) |
for i in range(calls_per_instance): |
extension = gen_extension(iname, len(f.clauses) / 10) |
#tmp_f = f.copy() |
#tmp_f.extend(extension) |
ext_f = CNF() |
ext_f.extend(extension) |
print(iname) |
print(len(f.clauses)) |
print() |
ext_f.to_file(next_file_path(iname), |
comments=["c {} core extended".format(iname), |
"c number of cores: {}".format(len(extension))], |
compress_with="bzip2") |
def gen_extension(instance, expected_num_of_core): |
cores = parse_cores(instance) |
p = expected_num_of_core / len(cores) |
extension = [] |
print((expected_num_of_core * 10) / len(cores)) |
print(expected_num_of_core * 10, len(cores)) |
for core in cores: |
if p >= random.random(): |
extension.append(core) |
return extension |
def parse_cores(instance): |
cores = [] |
with bz2.open(CORE_DIR / (instance + ".cores.bz2"), "tr") as cores_file: |
cores = list(map(lambda l: l.strip(), cores_file.readlines())) |
cores = list(map(lambda l: l.split(","), cores)) |
for i in range(len(cores)): |
cores[i] = list(map(int, cores[i])) |
cores[i] = list(map(lambda lit: -1 * lit, cores[i])) |
return cores |
def next_file_path(name): |
counter = 0 |
ext_file_path = EXTENDED_DIR / ("{}_{:04}.cnf.bz2".format(name, counter)) |
while ext_file_path.exists(): |
counter += 1 |
ext_file_path = EXTENDED_DIR / ("{}_{:04}.cnf.bz2".format(name, counter)) |
return ext_file_path |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |